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CUTHBERT, GA (WALB) – Kids at one south Georgia elementary school braved the unseasonable temperatures to meet with local public safety officials Wednesday. Randolph County Elementary’s Public Safety Day allowed kids to interact with police officers and fire fighters. WALB’s Bradford Ambrose was out there with the First Alert Storm Tracker as well. Ambrose talked to the kids about weather and how we use the Storm Tracker to inform viewers. Calvin Baker, major of operations for Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, said it’s important for the kids to interact with public safety officials when they’re young.

Calvin Baker with the Randolph Co. Sheriff’s Office said it’s important for the kids to interact with public safety officials when they’re young. (Source: WALB)

“Because a lot of kids are scared of the police, they’re scared to talk to firemen. Let them know we’re on their side. Don’t be afraid to talk to law enforcement, any type of community helper. We’re here to help them,” said Baker.

Law enforcement officials also handed out identification cards for the kids.

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